Are you someone who worries about the lurking threat of cancer, especially with cancer rates rising for even young people? Or perhaps you're wondering why some do people get cancer and others don't? If you're interested in holistic health and wellness, let's take a deep dive into this complex issue.
The Body as the Terrain
Our bodies can be viewed as a terrain, a complex system where various factors interact and influence our health. This terrain consists of everything from our cells and tissues, to our genes and microbiome. The health of this terrain (impacted by your lifestyle and environmental factors) can greatly affect your susceptibility to different health outcomes, including the development of diseases like cancer.
Your cells and tissues play a central role in this terrain. They are the building blocks of our bodies and carry out essential functions. For instance, our cells regulate our body's energy production, support our immune response, and facilitate communication between different parts of our body. If your terrain is healthy, it will function optimally and keep your body safe.
But, if the cells in our body don't work the way they should, due to abnormalities, it could result in different types of diseases, including cancer. This is similar to a machine with a broken part, causing the entire machine to malfunction.
The idea of viewing the body as a terrain highlights the complex interactions between various factors that affect our health. It emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to health and disease prevention, which takes into account the whole person, instead of just focusing on individual symptoms or diseases.
Examples of this...
For example, consider the common cold. When a family member brings home a cold virus, not everyone in the household becomes sick. This is because the individual health terrains vary. Some people may have a stronger immune system, which can effectively fight off the virus before it causes symptoms. Others might be more susceptible due to stress, lack of sleep, or poor nutrition, which can weaken the immune system and make the terrain more hospitable to the virus.
Similarly, when it comes to more serious diseases like cancer, the health of our body's terrain plays a significant role. Factors such as our genetic predisposition, lifestyle choices like diet and exercise, exposure to toxins, and our hormonal balance can either make our terrain more conducive to cancer cells or create an environment where they cannot thrive.
In the case of mold toxicity, some people can live in a moldy environment without experiencing health issues, while others suffer from severe symptoms. This can be attributed to differences in genetic susceptibility, immune system strength, and the presence of other health conditions. If someone's terrain is already compromised, the additional exposure to mold can trigger a stronger reaction.
This is why some people are more susceptible to certain health conditions than others. Here are a few things that could impact your body's terrain, making it more susceptible to cancer and could answer the question “Why do some people get cancer and others don't.”
Why Some People Get Cancer And Others Don't
Blood Circulation and Cancer
Healthy blood circulation is a vital aspect of our overall health and is a key element in maintaining a healthy "terrain" within our bodies. When circulation is optimal, our cells receive essential nutrients and oxygen, and waste products are efficiently removed. This creates a healthy internal environment where our cells can function effectively, strengthening our resistance to health issues.
However, when circulation is poor, the flow of the blood can become stagnate and can impact blood viscosity, oxygenation and blood vessel growth, which can lead to a build of toxins as waste products are not eliminated properly. This creates an environment conducive for harmful cells, such as cancer cells, to thrive and multiply.
Not to mention, poor circulation can cause deprivation of nutrients and oxygen to cells, weakening them and making them more susceptible to damage and disease.
Blood Sugar Balance/Metabolic Issues and Cancer
Maintaining balance in our blood sugar levels is an integral part of keeping our body's terrain healthy. High blood sugar levels can create an environment conducive to the growth and multiplication of cancer cells. This is because cancer cells, like all cells, need glucose (sugar) to grow.
However, unlike normal cells, cancer cells are less adaptable to changes in glucose availability. This means that when blood sugar levels are consistently high, it provides a constant food source for cancer cells, enabling them to thrive.
A healthy body terrain, on the other hand, is one where blood sugar levels are well managed and metabolic processes function efficiently. This requires a healthy diet and regular physical activity. Consuming a diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats, can help maintain balanced blood sugar levels while avoiding processed foods and beverages high in sugar can also prevent blood sugar spikes that can fuel cancer cell growth.
Regular physical activity is another crucial element in maintaining a healthy metabolic balance. Exercise helps regulate blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity. This means that your cells are better able to use available sugar in your bloodstream, reducing the amount of glucose available for cancer cells.
By keeping our blood sugar levels balanced and our metabolic processes functioning optimally, we can create a body terrain that is less hospitable to cancer cells and more conducive to overall health.
Genetics & Epigenetics and Cancer
Did you know only 5-10% of cancers can be linked to genetic defects, whereas the remaining 90-95% have roots in environment and lifestyle?
So while, genetics do impact out health, you have more control over your health and even the manifestation of cancer than you once thought!
So while our genes are the fixed blueprints that we inherit from our parents, our epigenetics - the way our genes are expressed or "switched on and off" - can be influenced by various factors in our day to day decisions and behaviors - like skimping on sleep, letting stress get the best of you, having a nightly glass of wine.
Just like the health of a terrain is determined by its environmental conditions, the expression of our genes is influenced by the condition of our body's terrain. If we maintain a healthy terrain through a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and regular health check-ups, we create an environment that promotes positive gene expression.
For instance, studies show that lifestyle changes such as eating a nutritious diet, reducing stress, and getting regular exercise can positively influence our epigenetic patterns. These healthy habits can help turn off genes associated with disease and activate genes associated with health and longevity.
On the other hand, if our terrain is neglected and becomes unhealthy due to poor diet, lack of exercise, chronic stress, or exposure to toxins, it can lead to negative gene expression. This can switch on genes associated with chronic diseases like cancer, and switch off genes that protect against these diseases.
I personally use the 3x4 Genetic test with my clients to look at the realtionship between genetics and epigenetics and how these play a role in their health. This can give us personalized insights into what daily behaviors and decisions can impact our genes the most (in a negative and beneficial way).
Hormone Balance
Hormone balance is a significant aspect of maintaining a healthy body terrain. Hormones, which are chemical messengers in our body, regulate numerous essential bodily functions, including growth, metabolism, mood, and reproduction. When our hormones are balanced, our body's terrain remains healthy and functions effectively.
However, an imbalance in our hormonal terrain can contribute to a range of health issues, including cancer. Unfortunately, we are bombarded with endless toxins every day that contribute to these hormonal imbalances. There are many manyexogenous xenoestrogens (aka man-made compounds that mimic or interfere with the body's natural estrogen hormones) and estrogen-mimicking substances that we are exposed to (in our food, water, body care products, cosmetics, household cleaners, industrial chemicals and plastics, etc.) that send mixed signals throughout the body and contribute to hormone imbalances. Overtime, these hormone imbalances can lead to more serious health issues.
In particular, conditions like breast and prostate cancer have been strongly linked to hormonal imbalances. For instance, estrogen imbalances can be the driver of many cancers such as breast, gynecological and surprisingly prostate cancer.
A healthy hormonal terrain, however, can counteract this risk. Regular checks and staying informed about how to maintain hormone balance can be crucial in preventing such cancers. This could involve regular health screenings or functional lab testing, maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, managing stress, and getting enough sleep - all of which can contribute to a balanced hormonal terrain.
Immune System
Your immune system, which is a network of cells, tissues, and organs, is a critical part of our body's terrain, guarding against diseases. A healthy terrain enables the immune system to function optimally, bolstering our resistance to health issues.
A unique challenge to this terrain is cancer cells, which are mutated versions of our own cells. Various mechanisms allow these cells to evade the immune system's detection. However, when our terrain is healthy and well-nourished, the immune system can counter these strategies, identifying and destroying cancer cells before they form tumors.
Yet, if the terrain is compromised by poor nutrition, chronic stress, lack of exercise, toxin exposure, or even low lying infections (ie. EBV Lyme, CMV, HSV), it weakens the immune system. This can lead to less effective detection and elimination of cancer cells, increasing our susceptibility to cancer.
Chronic inflammation and oxidation can damage cells and DNA, potentially leading to chronic health issues like cancer.
Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals, leading to chain reactions that may damage the cells of organisms. Essentially, a free radical is an unstable molecule that can harm cells in your body. It's unstable because it's missing an electron, and it tries to stabilize itself by stealing an electron from a nearby molecule. This theft can cause cellular damage, which can lead to the development of cancer cells.
In the body, this process of oxidation can happen for a variety of reasons. It can be a part of normal metabolic processes, but it can also be triggered by exposure to certain environmental factors such as tobacco smoke, radiation, and certain toxins.
When the body's defenses, in the form of antioxidants, are unable to cope with the damaging effects of free radicals, it can result in oxidative stress. This stress can cause damage to all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, and DNA.
Damage to DNA can lead to mutations in genes that control the growth of cells, leading to uncontrolled cell growth, a hallmark of cancer.
However, we can take steps to reduce inflammation and oxidation in our bodies. A healthy diet and lifestyle are key to this. Consuming a diet rich in antioxidants can help combat oxidation since antioxidants neutralize harmful free radicals in our body.
Regular exercise, stress management, and getting adequate sleep can help regulate our body's inflammatory response, reducing chronic inflammation. These practices are important for maintaining the health of our body, ensuring it can effectively resist damage.
Stay Tuned for Part 2 on Why Do Some People Get Cancer and Others Don't.
Now that you understand why some people get cancer and others don't, it's time to take control of your health. Hi, I'm Eli Priest, a Functional Nutrition Practitioner and have been trained by MITH as a cancer advocate and can help guide you during your health journey. Whether you are currently in cancer treatment or want to prevent cancer in the future, I can help.
Book your appointment with me today to discuss your personal health terrain and take the necessary steps to prevent cancer. Together, we can optimize your health and help you feel and look your best.