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About Eli Priest

Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner

Master Restorative Wellness Practitioner

Certified Clinical Homeopathic Specialist

Hi, I am Eli; I am a wife, a mom of three, a Libra, a yogi, an avid runner, and a triathlete. I love to travel, I love the ocean and outdoors in general, I love to create, and I love spending time with my family. 


I am also a Functional Nutritional Practitioner, holistic health advocate, and real food lover. I have always pushed myself hard to learn more, know more, take the road less traveled, and not settle for the status quo. 


As a Functional Nutritionist, I specialize in finding and addressing the root cause of chronic illness and restoring health and wellness at a cellular level. I work with clients to optimize diet, lifestyle, detox, drainage pathways, and mitochondrial health. I work with clients to address complex health conditions such as autoimmune disorders, Lyme Disease and co-infections, Mold Illness and CIRS, gut & digestive health, and nutrient imbalances.


The foundation of everything I do is rooted in a functional nutrition mindset. Functional nutrition intimately focuses on the needs of the individual through a whole-person approach to care, explicitly personalized to your uniqueness. When you have a complete picture of what’s going on in the body and have the proper supports built-in, the body can begin to function correctly. 


I see a need for a lot of change in today’s society regarding the health of an individual or society as a whole. I am dedicated to educating and empowering individuals, cultivating a community, and working towards a global paradigm shift to reverse the adverse effects of the modern diet through nutritional therapy, sustainable food, and balanced lifestyles.


I enjoy being a part of a movement that is creating change in the health and wellness industry, and I hope to spark change in the health of the people I work with. At the end of each day, if I have made one lasting imprint on one person, then I am serving my purpose, and it makes me feel confident that the change needed to shift the health of our society in a better direction will come.


Functional nutrition intimately focuses on the needs of the individual through a whole-person approach to care, explicitly personalized to your uniqueness. When you have a complete picture of what’s going on in the body and have the proper supports built-in, the body can begin to function correctly. 


Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Nutritional Therapy Association

Course outline and modules of study:


  • Evolution of the Modern Diet

  • The Basics of Nutrition

  • Anatomy and Physiology

  • Digestion and Elimination

  • Blood Sugar Regulation

  • Fatty Acids

  • Mineral Balance

  • Hydration

  • Endocrine and Immune Health

  • Cardiovascular Health

  • Nutritional Detoxification

  • Sleep, Stress and Movement, Therapeutic Lifestyle Management

  • Environmental Factors

  • Performance Nutrition

  • Client Consultation Process and Functional Clinical Assessment

Restorative Wellness Practitioner (level 1), Restorative Wellness Solutions

Mastering the Art and Science of GI healing


  • Digestion and Anatomy and Physiology

  • Understanding the GI-MAP, Comprehensive Stool Analysis, SIBO and MRT food sensitivity testing

  • GI healing solutions

  • Adverse Food Reactions

  • Nutrients, Foods and Special Diets

  • Supplements and Lifestyle

Restorative Wellness Practitioner (level 2), Restorative Wellness Solutions

Mastering the Art of and Science of Optimizing Hormones


  • Assess and optimize adrenal and HPA Axis function

  • Assess and rebalance male hormones, identify and resolve causes of androgen imbalances

  • Restore balance in cycling female hormones from PMS to PCOS to fertility

  • Evaluate and support hormone balance and bone health to reclaim a healthy menopause

  • Understanding and interpreting comprehensive labs such as DUTCH Complete and CAR, Adrenal Stress Profile, Bone Health Panel, DUTCH Cycle Mapping,

  • Expanded Cycling Female Hormone Panel, Perimenopause Panel, Post Menopause Panel and Male Hormone Panel

Restorative Wellness Practitioner (level 3), Restorative Wellness Solutions

Mastering the Art and Science of Nutritional Blood Chemistry


  • How to analyze and regulate blood sugar handling

  • Assess and support optimal cardiovascular function

  • Identify and correct anemias and other nutritional deficiencies

  • Master thyroid regulation

  • Strengthen and modulate the immune System

  • Evaluating and supporting the renal system

Master Restorative Wellness Practitioner, Restorative Wellness Solutions

The Art and Science of Clinical Mastery


  • Identify and manage genetic polymorphisms

  • Apply our deep detoxification methodology, including identifying hidden pathogens, heavy metals and mold, and how to eliminate them

  • Successfully manage the Autoimmune Phenomenon: Driving factors, assessment, nutritional management, and beyond

  • Support the Optimal Brain: Development, function, aging, trauma, and imbalances

Certified Clinical Homeopathic Specialist

The teachings for the course were based off of traditional Homeopathy Philosophies, which includes the Law of Similars, the Law of Proving, the Law of Potentization, The Dynamic Plane and Totality of Symptoms, Vitalism, and the Hahnemann Constitutional Theory (constitution, miasim, temperament).


  • Understanding the history and evolution of homeopathy and its principles

  • Understanding homeopathic potencies and primary remedies

  • Using homeopathy in a clinical setting to support a variety of prevalent health conditions

  • Layering homeopathy into complex protocols and troubleshooting techniques

Women Are Not Small Men Certified

Women Are Not Small Men Course, by Dr. Stacy Sims, based on her book ROAR


  • History of Women in Sport and Research

  • Carbohydrate (daily and fueling needs)/ Protein (muscle recovery)

  • Female Sex Hormones and their role in sport performance

  • Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)

  • Training with the female cycle

  • Training using the Environment

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